Our causes

Check this page if you want to know more about our causes. These are the children who are currently sponsored by Marajowi.

A tangible improvement in the living conditions of the kids and a broadening of their opportunities for the future has been the main goal of Marajowi since the beginning. According to a recent (2023) report from Unicef, Malawi literacy rate (7-14 years of age) is of 18.9% and only 12.6% have numeracy skills. Child labour, child marriage and early pregnancy contribute to dropout at school. 

Marajowi strives to guarantee quality education (school fees, school uniforms and school material), clothes, pocket money for daily food, transportation to/from home during the holidays, medical check ups to the selected kids.


Malita when we first met her (top left) and today (top right). Malita knitting with school mates (bottom)Ramos when we first met him (top left) and today with his mum (top right). Ramos with his family (bottom)












Joyce when we first met her (top left) and today (top right). Joyce's family when her mum was still in Malawi (bottom)Wit when we first met him (top left) and today (top right). Wit with his family (bottom)






The first photo we received of Katie (top left) and Katie today (top right). Katie with the other kids from Marajowi (bottom)The first photo we got of Gift (top left) and Gift today (top right). Gift in front of the school with his grandma (bottom)Stella at birth, now (3 yrs old) and at the nursery