Financial situation


Please note that we update this page every quarter. As a consequence, your latest donation might not be displayed yet. If you want to see an overview of the financial situation of Marajowi for one of the past years, drop us an email. We will be glad to share it with you.

The overview below reports the financial situation for the current school year (September 2023-August 2024). As a consequence on the graphs 1 corresponds to September, 2 to October and so on, till 12 which represents August.

Katie and Gift currently go to a school very close to their homes. Therefore, transport costs are no longer needed for them. Their school fees for the current year is 305.000MK and their monthly pocket money adds to 120.000 MK each.

Ramos has started his business already. With the little he makes, he supports his family and for this reason we helped him in past months especially with the rent of the shop (approximately 20 EUR/month). Recently, we were able to help him boost a bit his sales by bringing him some items to sell. Moreover, he got a good connection with a local school. Therefore, unless something unexpected happens, we have stopped supporting him.

So far, in the course of 2023, Witness has been totally independent. Recently, he asked us for support to broaden his knowledge with an Electricity course. The training took place last April and he successfully got his certificate. We decided to help him with school fees (approximately 50 EUR) and transport.

Joyce has finished secondary school. The results were not what she expected. In November she has started a course for beautician from which she graduated. After that she opened her own shop. We still give her pocket money (120.000 MK per month) and support the shop.

As you can see we do send money to Bandawe to cover for Malita’s school fees (110 EUR per trimesteR) and for her needs. We really would like to support the school further with food supplies or arranging vocational skills activities (e.g. carpentry, painting, sewing). We are contacting some local associations for that, but we will need funds. So please think of us.

Grace and Clement still support us in the background. We pay their youngest daughter’s Stella’s school fees (305.000 MK + 120.000 MK per trimester) and we give them an allowance (50 EUR per month), which actually correspond to pocket money for Stella.

Below a summary of all the money Marajowi received and all the money Marajowi spent, in the last 3 school years. For more details don’t hesitate to contact us.