How was Christmas?

We have been interacting with Malawians for many years now and we feel like concluding that, though it is a special moment too, Christmas in Malawi doesn’t have the same meaning as for example in Europe. We tend to say that Christmas  is a time for giving, whereas we were told that during the same time, in Malawi people try to keep as much as they can for themselves. This is of course to be related to poverty and lack of means. Nevertheless our children (or at least some of them) decided to share what we sent them for Christmas with their dear ones.

Joyce used our little holiday gift (50 EUR) to buy a lot of food for all her family. She planned a special meal, something they normally cannot afford. Also, to make sure the money was used only for this purpose, she did both the shopping and the cooking herself. By lunch time on the 25th she had a good meal ready. Unfortunately her family didn’t really show up. She said ‘everyone was just coming and going as they pleased, we didn’t eat all together, but everyone alone’. So she did make a special meal for everyone, but the day was not exactly how she expected it to be.

Katie did many different things with her holiday gift (50EUR). She bought herself what she defined ‘a special meal’  (actually a sandwich, some fries and a Coca Cola) and 3 new dresses. What was left she used for rice. She cooked this and brought it to the church where she studies and shared it with some children from the village. She actually organized a little party for them. Everyone was very happy!

Also at Ramos‘s family, people were glad with our gift (50EUR). We sent it in via Ulemu and she made sure everyone got a proper meal.





Gift‘s family received the money some time ago. As you will remember his grandpa was extremely grateful for the present, but they didn’t share how they used it. Gift had bought some clothes and food for himself.




We also received no feedback from Wit or Stella unfortunately. We are also still waiting for news from Malita, since she is not back at school yet. However, we are sure everyone had a cheerful time and a full belly.


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